Reference Article

Relationship between AM, GM and HM

To derive the relationship between the Arithmetic Mean (AM), Geometric Mean (GM), and Harmonic Mean (HM) for a set of...

Relation and Function in mathematics

In mathematics, both functions and relations are fundamental concepts that describe the associations between elements...

How students can improve learning mathematics?

To improve learning mathematics, here are some strategies and tips that can be helpful: 1. Build a strong foundation:...

R. Gagne’s Theory of Teaching – In reference to Mathematics

Robert Gagné's theory of learning, often referred to as the Conditions of Learning theory, provides a framework for...

सामुदायिक विद्यालयको ऐना, यसैमा छन् शैक्षिक गुणस्तर सुधार नहुनुका केहि रहस्यहरू

Shyam Prasad Acharya (Author) परिचय पछिल्ला दिनहरूमा नेपालको विद्यालय शिक्षाको गुणस्तर खस्किँदो छ भन्ने समाचारहरू...

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