Behaviorism Behaviorism asserts that human beings are shaped entirely by their external environment The only reality...
Research & Analysis
In the mirror of community schools, there are some secrets of not improving the quality of education
(This article is an automatically translated text of an original article written in the Nepali language. There can be...
सामुदायिक विद्यालयको ऐना, यसैमा छन् शैक्षिक गुणस्तर सुधार नहुनुका केहि रहस्यहरू
Shyam Prasad Acharya (Author) परिचय पछिल्ला दिनहरूमा नेपालको विद्यालय शिक्षाको गुणस्तर खस्किँदो छ भन्ने समाचारहरू...
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